Chronicles of the Newborn Rise of the Mlezi follows a group of young Africans from different ethnic backgrounds as they embark on a quest to save their continent. Unaware of their true destinies, they must come to terms with their realities and overcome great distances to fulfill their mission.
Volume 1 Part 1: Dawn of Chaos 1
Continuing from issue #0, the story delves into the manipulation of a young prince by the sinister ORGANDI. The MABAYA ANAKUJA, a devoted sect of the MAKAZI, loyal worshipers of the dark-lord ORGANDI, gather to ensure the return of their malevolent deity. Scattered across Africa, the Newborn spirits remain unaware of their grand destiny. Princess Komi is entrusted with the crucial task of reuniting the scattered warriors and saving mankind from desolation and destruction.
Volume 1 Part 2: Dawn of Chaos 2
In this part, Araali, a young monk seeking revenge for the murder of his parents and the ransacking of his village, returns to Africa from Asia. Along his journey, he encounters OIN, an ancient enchanter, who discovers the remaining fragments of the MLEZI’S AGULA from the INRI nation and King Zama of Zimbabwe. United by a common purpose, the characters embark on a journey to reunite while the malevolent MABAYA ANAKUJA
Chronicles of the Newborn Rise of the Mlezi follows a group of young Africans from different ethnic backgrounds as they embark on a quest to save their continent. Unaware of their true destinies, they must come to terms with their realities and overcome great distances to fulfill their mission.
Volume 1 Part 1: Dawn of Chaos 1
Continuing from issue #0, the story delves into the manipulation of a young prince by the sinister ORGANDI. The MABAYA ANAKUJA, a devoted sect of the MAKAZI, loyal worshipers of the dark-lord ORGANDI, gather to ensure the return of their malevolent deity. Scattered across Africa, the Newborn spirits remain unaware of their grand destiny. Princess Komi is entrusted with the crucial task of reuniting the scattered warriors and saving mankind from desolation and destruction.
Volume 1 Part 2: Dawn of Chaos 2
In this part, Araali, a young monk seeking revenge for the murder of his parents and the ransacking of his village, returns to Africa from Asia. Along his journey, he encounters OIN, an ancient enchanter, who discovers the remaining fragments of the MLEZI’S AGULA from the INRI nation and King Zama of Zimbabwe. United by a common purpose, the characters embark on a journey to reunite while the malevolent MABAYA ANAKUJA
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