Also known as Njokwu Ji, she is the goddess of yam and farm harvests generally. She brings bountiful harvests to those who she is pleased with and poor harvest to those she finds to be undeserving of her goodness. By this, she is considered a goddess of prosperity and wealth as well. In the year before the war, Iloka has made a massive sacrifice to Ifejioku to get a bountiful harvest so as to be able to fund his planned war and she granted his wishes. Also, in the year of the war, Iloka commanded his chiefs to do same sacrifice to ensure they never run out of resources. Hence, Ifejioku is convinced Iloka might be a good leader to entrust the law and order of mankind to. Although, she does not approve of the bloodshed Iloka is making, but she thinks it is a necessary evil to handle the continued greed and disorderliness of mankind.